You have taken the important decision of moving to the big city in order to find better career opportunities. The first step into finding the perfect job is to write a meticulous resume. If you have never written a CV before, here are the rules that you should follow to the letter.
Describe in details your education – You should state the high school, college or university from which you have graduated and mention your education degree/s. If you have participated in extra curriculum activities you should state them as well. Your future employer will want to know in advance your current level of education, skill set and potential. If you can, add references from your teachers and professors.
- Describe your work experience – It doesn’t matter whether you have worked for years or a single day, and more importantly it doesn’t matter what and where you have worked as you should describe it all to the last detail. Don’t be ashamed of your former employments and don’t try to lie about your previous positions as your future employer will be able to check the credibility of your resume. You can also provide references from your former employers.
- Mention that you are ready to move to the city – You CV must contain your current contact details which mean that all potential employers will know that you aren’t living in the city. So, specifically state at the beginning of your resume that you are ready to relocate if you are approved for the job.
- State why you want to work for the company – Employers like to be flattered, so write a short text on why you want to work for them. Also share that working for them will provide you to pursue your personal goals as they are the same as the company’s objectives. However, be careful not to oversell it because it can backfire at you and ruin your chances for employment.
- State your readiness to attend at an interview – By doing so you will display your strong desire to work for them and more importantly you will showcase your readiness to relocate and start working as quickly as possible. It is will also prove to your future employers that you are confident about your qualifications and capabilities.
- Never give other’s contact details – As aforementioned you must state your contact details in your resume but don’t make the common mistake of giving the details of a friend or relative because you don’t have your own. While you may not have a permanent address, you certainly have a cell phone number, so always give your contact details because all potential employers will call you once and if they don’t reach you, they will simply move to the next suitable candidate.
If you follow these six simple rules, you won’t have a problem finding a new job and as soon as it happens, contact a man and van company and start planning your move. You should use professional man and van services in order to speed up and facilitate your relocation.
Final tip: Always use an actual photo in your CV. It’s really a no-brainer – imagine how a potential employer would react if a completely different person walks through the door.
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