No matter how responsible and mature your children are, they will still rely on your assistance when they are moving into their university’s halls of residence. Needless to say, that help will need to be both financial and logistical. So you may want to set some money aside in advance for a top-notch student removal service in London. Even if you have a spacious car, an equipped and insured moving van is always a safer way to transport your kid’s belongings. Other invaluable student moving tips for parents we can give you are the following dos and don’ts:
- Do not rely on your own experience
- Don’t turn it into a huge family affair
- Do read the halls of residence’s rules and policies
- Don’t bring everything
- Do use cardboard boxes
You may not agree with all of these recommendations at first but once you reach the end of this article, you will fully understand and appreciate the logic behind them.
Do not rely on your own experience
If you have been a university student, chances are you too have had some student moving experience. Unfortunately, it may be slightly outdated. We are living in a time when we have a ton of extras, convenient amenities and technologies such as fast same-day shipping, internet banking, smartphones, etc. Therefore, even if you forget to pack some items of clothing, for instance, you will be able to send it on the very next day via a courier. The same goes if you need to increase your child’s weekly allowance. Also, today’s halls of residence are excellently maintained and you will not need to bring any furniture or other bulky items.
Don’t turn it into a huge family affair
It is always a big deal when your kid leaves the nest for the first time. Your entire family may want to participate in the affair in one way or another. Still, do not let them tag along with you on the moving-in day. The situation will be chaotic and stressful enough even without having various aunts and cousins in the car with you. Instead, you can organise a small going away party before your child moves out.
Learn the university’s move-in rules
Every university and college in the United Kingdom has a strict list of halls of residence rules. Make sure you read them before you start planning the relocation because you may be fined if you bring items such as candles, fan heaters, furniture or chip pans because they are usually banned in on-campus student housing.
Start only with the basics
Be warned – your kids would want to take a lot of unnecessary items with them. So remember to be firm because a gaming console, for instance, will not help them with their studies nor will their comic book collection. Students’ rooms are quite small and there will only be room for the basics (e.g. towels, clothes, a laptop).
Swap suitcases with moving boxes
Do not pack in suitcases. Your child is not going on a vacation and he or she is not about to check into a hotel. There is a reason why this whole ordeal is called “a student move.” Pack in cardboard boxes. They won’t take up a lot of space and they can be used for storage.
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