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Top five family films of all time

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: February 29th, 2016

Movie-negativeThere is nothing worse than the exhaustion from all the stress and strain that follows your home relocation. It gets even worse, if you have a family involved in the whole process. Fortunately, there are several good ways to kick back and relax together with your loved one and your kids after the people from the man and van company have delivered the last boxes. One of those ways is to prepare a quick dinner and put on a good old family-friendly film. Here are several propositions from our favorite family flicks:

  • Chitty Chitty, Bang Bang

A kid’s friendly version of James Bond created by no other but Ronald Dahl in collaboration with Ian Fleming...

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6 remarkable caves that are worth visiting

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: February 22nd, 2016

Generally caves are dark, humid, moist and unattractive places that don’t attract visitors. However not all caves are the same, as some of them are incredibly beautiful and breathtaking. Here are some of the most amazing ones in the world.

Eisriesenwelt-CaveEisriesenwelt Cave – Located in Austria it is the largest ice cave in the world with a length of approximately 50 kilometres. The cave was discovered in 1879 and has numerous interconnected chambers. The ice formations that cover the cave’s walls are in different colours due to the diverse mineral content of the walls.

Fantastic Cave Pit – This fascinating cave is situated in Ellison Caves, nearby Lafayette Georgia. It is 178.6 metres deep, which makes it the deepest cave in the United States...

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Life Hacks for the Most Stressful Situations

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: February 1st, 2016

Many people will tell you that life nowadays is too stressful and full of hassle. This is true, but does it mean that you are obliged to feel stressed out and worried all the time? We taught that would be your answer. Even in most horrific situations there is a way to keep calm. The ability to stiff upper lip and don’t worry too much about stuff is vital, if you want to overcome the obstacles fate always puts in your way in a more productive manner. And if that is not enough as an incentive for you, think about the fact that life is too short to worry about things that actually doesn’t matter.

Let’s have a look at some of the most stressful situations ordinary people face. The list is compiled by the World Health Organization based on studies on what health problems does excessive st...

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The Curious History of Elevators

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: January 26th, 2016

The amount of items and pieces of machinery that we take as a given in our everyday lives is simply overwhelming – no one can deny that. And even though we don’t notice their presence, if for some reason or another we are left without them, the disturbance we are going to feel would be quite impressive. Elevators are one of those things.

ElevatorElevators are an integral part of modern society, quite like cars, airplanes and fast-food. They have both commercial and residential purposes, come in various shapes and have the one thing in common that no high-raised building can efficiently function without them. Imagine your horror when if you live on the eight floor and the lift is out of order...

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Hacks to a Manageable House Removal

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: January 4th, 2016

People who have moved house before know how complex and confusing the process can be, in terms of both prep work and logistics. When it comes to logistics, a good man and van removal company will handle the removal properly, without too many unnecessary hassles for you – no dramas there. Perhaps the problem lies more with the small specifics concerning the removal that usually drive people up the wall.

Packing seems to be one of the biggest issues for most people undergoing a house removal. Indeed, the ‘big pack up’ can seem like a tremendous hassles, and let’s face it – it is to an extent. However, the job can be made more manageable...

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Moving House – Get the Red Tape Out of The Way

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: December 13th, 2015

House removal is not the easiest of tasks as the average relocation requires specialised assistance but also imposes certain requirements on people undergoing the removal. Organising the removal project itself is not too much of a problem, as these days a good man and van removal company will quickly arrange and carry out the relocation. The issue of notifying all relevant organisations and institutions of your relocation and change of address could be more of a challenge though, so start the process well in advance and save yourself a ton of unnecessary hassles down the road.

Dealing with council tax obligations has been a problematic area for many people moving house from A to B...

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Employer Assistance for Worker Home Relocation – UK

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: December 7th, 2015

Moving-vanAt the moment, British law allows for an employer to financially assist staff who are undergoing a home relocation. This may be a valiant thing to do, but by doing it an employer involves themselves much more than just paying for the man and van removal costs. If a given company has such relocation assistance practices in place, employers (the company) needs to be aware of certain things. One of them is the new set of obligations imposed on employers who wish to do this. Employer assistance for staff home relocation brings specific tax, national insurance and reporting obligations upon the employer.

Employers can choose which particular item on the relocation expense list to assist with. HM Revenue and the UK Government have provided a basic list of expenses considered valid for most home ...

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Moving Abroad – Make Sure Your Mobile Device is Ready Too

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: November 30th, 2015

Mobile-phoneMoving overseas can be an exciting time, even once in a lifetime opportunity for many people. One such step is a major transition in life and there is a lot to consider and account for. From paperwork to accommodation and all in between, people moving abroad have their hands full. In the whole commotion of choosing the right man and van removal company, sorting out accommodation etc. it is easy to overlook some of the essentials of modern day life in another country – such as telecommunications. Most people would turn their smartphone or mobile device on the moment they touchdown in their new home country, no surprises there. Although most devices these days are fully compatible with the networks of many other countries, there are also certain fundamental differences and factors to consi...

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Home Moving: Loose the Stress

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: November 24th, 2015

Now that your home relocation is finally over, you can put all the stress and strain of months of preparation and execution behind you. Once the man and van people have done their job delivering your property and you have unpacked at least most of them, you can concentrate on what the future holds for you at your new place.

The tradition postulates that when you move in a house or an apartment, you should host a house-warming party. It is a great opportunity to gather family, friends and people you like at one place, and have a good time on top of it. Let’s go through some ideas for what your house-warming party can look like, so everyone attending, including you has a blast.

1)      BBQFor the summer months, the perfect idea for a house warming party is a BBQ...

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Useful Travel Tips

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: November 15th, 2015

Moving places, traveling to another country on business or holiday etc. are instances in which people need to make certain choices about packing, luggage, means of transport and other such. In the case of moving house, choices boil down to which items are coming along, and which ones are getting left behind. Any man and van removal company will say that the lighter the load the slimmer the price. The same applies when traveling overseas – airlines will charge more for heavier bags. This is one of the fundamental rules of moving and traveling. There are however other clever tips and tricks that should make the trip there and back more manageable and less stressful.

Airplane-in-the-skyIf you are the travel guide type, instead of bringing a paperback copy of your favourite travel guide, opt for its online ver...

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