Category All about moving and London

Travelling specifications in the Middle Ages

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: December 26th, 2017

Medieval traveler

We travel every day for different reasons – we commute to work, we drive couple of hours to see our relatives during the weekend, we fly to exotic destinations. We move a lot and take our staff with us. It is not complicated at all – we have suitable bags and suitcases, special packing and wrapping materials, we can even ship some of our belongings or use a specialized moving company if we are changing places. We can choose the means of travel we use and generally they are also quite comfortable, which makes our voyaging an overall pleasant experience.

Travel was not that easy back in time

Travel in the Middle Ages, for example, was quite complicated but people did travel nonetheless...

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Removal budget and unexpected costs

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: December 26th, 2017


When moving, be prepared for unexpected costs because the amount you are about to spend is not always obvious. You can approximately calculate how much money you need for moving services, renting a truck, packing services, etc., but there will be fees and small costs you cannot predict.


If you plan to sell your house, you will probably fix some things before you go so you can list it for a higher rate. Usually, these kind of tasks cost more than originally planned. There are some tasks you can do on your own but some are just out of your scope and you need to hire a professional. Build these costs in removal budget.


Before you move out, you need to clean your old place...

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Can a single item relocation be actually hard?

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: December 26th, 2017


When moving things we typically think of complete household relocations or something of the kind. When most people are asked about a single item move they typically assume that this is a safe and easy job. One that doesn’t require a lot of time and effort and can be completed without the presence of a lot of workers. In fact it is believed that many single item moves do not even require a man and van company to be hired.

Seeking reliable van rental assistance is usually essential

All of the above can be quite wrong as there are a few factors that can make a simple move look exceptionally tough. We will look at the three possible scenarios where transporting just one item can turn out to be a challenging task...

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Interesting places in North London

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: December 26th, 2017

Theatre Royal, Stratford East

North London is the area of the English capital that sits on the northern side of the Thames River. According to the last census, the sub-region spreads over 926.22 square kilometres and is home to a population of about 4.7 million people. North London is questionably the most visited area of the city, as it is the location of numerous internationally renowned landmarks.

Royal Air Force Museum

Founded in 1972 and commonly known as RAF Museum, this exhibition gallery is based in five major buildings and hangars that were once part of the Hendon Aerodrome. The museum is decided to the history of aviation and the Royal Air Force, and displays a rich collection of aviation related items. Some of the most famous exhibits of the gallery are:

  • Bleriot XI
  • North American P-51D Mustang
  • Airspeed Oxf...
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Tips on Choosing a Moving Date When Expecting a Child

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: December 26th, 2017

Pregnant woman

One of the most important aspects of planning your home relocation is picking a moving date. For most people, the day of the big move depends on things like:

  • The season
  • The expiration date of their lease
  • Their personal schedule

But for those who are expecting a baby, scheduling a move can be particularly tricky. That is because they are struggling to answer one huge question: Should we move before or after the child is born?

Moving before the due date

Moving a house when pregnant is anything but fun or exciting. It is stressful and incredibly tiring, especially when you are in the final weeks of your pregnancy...

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Things to know when moving in winter

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: December 26th, 2017

Winter street in London

Winter can be a harsh season for a number of reasons. One of the tasks that become pretty complex to handle when the temperatures drop is that of moving houses. Here are a number of things that you can expect from your winter domestic removal, as well as key tips for not allowing those factors to become a serious problem to hinder your project.

Driving in winter can be hard

The harsh weather makes navigating through the streets of every city, as well as on inter-city roads, pretty tough. This is why in most cases reaching point B from point A can take up more time than if you would have travelled it in summer. You will need to take into account this fact and when tailoring the schedule for your relocation, put aside enough time to make up for the possible difference and delays...

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Packing mistakes to absolutely avoid during a removal

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: December 26th, 2017

Packing moving boxes

The outcome of your relocation will more or less be determined by how well you pack your belongings. Studies show that most items get damaged or broken during a move because of low quality shielding materials and unreliable packing techniques. The easiest way to avoid this unpleasant scenario is to avoid the following packing errors.

Not following a plan

One of the worst mistakes that you can make is to commence packing your possessions randomly without following a plan. This will create unnecessary clutter throughout the property and at some point you will certainly forget what is packed where and some of your belongings will get lost in the process. So before you start putting your things in boxes, take your time to draft a packing strategy.

Postponing packing

Most people believe that pa...

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How to Burglar-Proof Your New Home

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: December 26th, 2017

Security system

Regardless of whether you are planning to move into an area with a high or a low crime rate, you must do a number of security improvements around your new property. That list includes taking care of:

  • Security systems and alarms
  • Locks
  • Doors and windows
  • Additional security updates

While most of the security improvements which we are about to discuss can be taken care of after your moving day, they should not be postponed. Many burglars target namely a neighbourhood’s newly-arrived families since they tend to be more distracted as they are still busy unpacking and settling in their new home.

Change the locks

Unless you are buying a brand-new home, this step is always a must for anyone who is relocating to a different property...

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How a removal quote is calculated?

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: June 25th, 2017

Among the most frequent tips one receives in relation to the process of picking up a man and van company is to fish for as many quotes as possible. This simply means that you should look up which moving contractors operate in your area and then call them to receive an estimate of the costs of your particular project. Thus you will be able to pick up the best deal and not put your budget in unnecessary strain. But how exactly is a removal quote estimated? There are several key factors:

  • Floor space

That designated the actual size of the property that you are relocating. It could be a one bedroom apartment, a mansion or just a single bulky piece of furniture. Naturally the larger the floor space to be moved, the higher the price for the actual removal.

  • Number of movers needed

You are opti...

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Taxi and Man and Van

Author: Kim Jacobs | Last modified on: May 22nd, 2017

It is a well-known fact that you can make decent money by deriving your own vehicle. Depending on its nature and size you are able to provide various services. If you own a car you can always turn it into a taxi. Now this is not an easy business to join. First of all you will need to sacrifice the colour of your car and paint it yellow.Taxi There are countries where cabs are not required to be yellow so if you happen to operate in such a country then you are lucky and you will be able to save some money by not paying for a paint job. Next comes another legal matter. Most countries don’t allow freelancers when it comes to transporting people. After you obtain all the necessary licenses and pass all the mandatory tests to become a driver you will need to also join a company. Now you can found ...

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